Macarena Muñoz is a 40-year-old married mother of three children, who, feeling that she is no longer needed at home, makes the courageous decision to, for the first time in her life, think about herself and realize the dream she put off for so long: to go to university to become a professional. Macarena, hiding from her family, gets ready and takes the entrance exam. He obtained a good score and enrolled in a private institution to study a degree in Psychology, causing a tremendous upheaval in his family, which is divided between those who support his decision and those who categorically reject it. Macarena becomes a “Mechona Mom” and her new social circle becomes a group of young people the age of her children, whom she will begin to know and, with great effort, she will try to understand and accept, despite the enormous generational difference. At university, Macarena is reunited with Rafael, the first man in her life, with whom she lived an epic summer romance. The doubts and confusions caused by this unresolved story, together with the conflicts in their home due to their university adventure, jeopardize their stability and their marriage.
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